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Customer Services Revolution in Scotland – updated September 2022

WelcoMe App customer service

The WelcoMe App addresses the issue of inadequate customer service for visitors with specific accessibility requirements caused by a lack of disability awareness and confidence of staff members.

Venues are notified of the visit request and receive an overview of your condition and top tips to aid their interaction with you.

Free ‘WelcoMe’ App brings freedom and independence

The free ‘WelcoMe’ app allows you to request visits to participating venues, indicating the areas you need customer service to have awareness of and the specific assistance you require.

The aim is to facilitate the communication between customers and customer service staff to create long-lasting and mutually respectful relationships. It takes away anxiety arrival and is the first of its kind internationally.

United Kingdom and Ireland

create your account for free

Get the app

Download Welcome by Neatebox for iOS – http://bit.ly/welcominapp

Download Welcome by Neatebox for Android – http://bit.ly/welcominandroid


How does it work?

Customer Services Revolution Scotland
At a cafe – using the Welcome app

App for businesses

If you are interested in installing this app at your property, please contact Gavin for more information.

In this video WelcoMe founder Gavin Neate explains how the app works:

App for customers

How to use the Welcome app – customers

  • Download the app to your smartphone
  • Create an account login
  • Set up your profile with a picture of yourself and the areas you would like staff to have awareness of
  • Browse venues on app and set up a visit indicating the assistance you require
  • The venue gets notified when you book your visit, when you are nearby and when you arrive, so they are aware of your arrival
  • Enjoy improved customer service

Media and awards

WelcoMe app Award

Read all about the awards they won and media exposure here. Receiving quite a lot of national and international media exposure in different platforms (online, newspapers, television, radio, podcasts), award winning app WelcoMe is ready to conquer the world.


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